The Challenge

invygo is on a mission to step-change mobility and financial inclusion in the MENA region, one car subscription at a time. Yet scaling Series-A funded tech company at such a critical stage of their growth journey is critical – it takes the right talent, particularly tech talent – in a market where

demand outweighs supply and competition for the very best is rife. Looking to hire high volumes of positions across job functions and geographies with a short turnaround time was going to be a challenge. While they considered using either recruitment agencies or outsourced teams, it was MCG’s honest communication, recommendations and track record that made their decision that much easier.

The Solution

MCG Talent delivered a quick turnaround, providing high-quality profiles that I trust match the brief and job description. They provided honest communication and insights as well as deep knowledge of the market, without being pushy or salesy”.

– VJ Pahari, Senior Talent Acquition, invygo

The Outcome

With the need for speed the driving force, invygo got the talent they needed in the time frame they desired. Today, these individuals are fully embedded in the team and helping the business reach their growth and financial goals.

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