With over 244 million members from the APAC region and 49 million from the MENA region, LinkedIn has established itself as the go-to platform for job seekers. With its user-friendly interface, robust search and filtering options, the platform has become crucial for job seekers to connect with potential employers, network, and find new opportunities worldwide. However, the growing number of professionals flocking to the service and cultivating a presence, as well as market challenges has made the competition for job opportunities fiercer.

Geographical nuances are prevalent across the MENA and APAC regions, and this is certainly highlighted in the job market where cultural values can differ greatly from country to country. For example, in the United Arab Emirates, there is a high demand for professionals in the technology and finance industries, while in Saudi Arabia, the government is investing heavily in renewable energy and digital transformation. Whereas in the Singapore job market, fluency in English and Mandarin is often a prerequisite for many positions due to the country's multicultural and multilingual environment. In Hong Kong, the market is highly competitive, with a strong preference for candidates with prior experience in the financial industry due to the city's status as a global financial hub. Understanding these nuances can help you tailor your LinkedIn profile to show that you are aware of the regional trends and have the skills and experience that are in demand.

Expected to grow 22.7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2022 and 2023, ‘digital transformation’ is causing a significant shift in the MENA region. ‘The Great Resignation’ is also causing challenges, with one study reporting only 57% of employees in the APAC region feeling satisfied with their job. Not only that, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the region has also experienced a sudden shift in objectives with more focus put on virtual collaboration and technology, making it imperative for job seekers to showcase their experience in these areas. As a result, there has also been greater emphasis placed on soft skills, as employers seek professionals who possess strong interpersonal and communication skills in addition to technical competence.


The importance of Personal branding

Personal branding is a crucial factor in getting noticed on LinkedIn. Your profile should accurately reflect your skills and experiences, but also showcase your unique personality and values. This can be achieved by being active on the platform, sharing relevant content and updates, and engaging with others in your network.

Additionally, the causes you support and the messages you share can also reflect your personal brand and what you stand for. The tone of voice used in your posts and updates is also important, as it can convey your professional demeanour and level of expertise.

To accelerate your personal branding and get your LinkedIn profile in a position that makes it pop to recruiters, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 "Must Haves" and top 5 "Don't Haves":


Top 5 "Must Haves" on LinkedIn

  1. Complete profile: A complete LinkedIn profile with details about your work experience, education, and skills will help you stand out to potential employers and recruiters.
  2. Professional profile photo: A professional-looking headshot will help you make a good first impression and convey your professionalism to employers and recruiters.
  3. Well-crafted headline: Your LinkedIn headline is a short but powerful statement that tells potential employers and recruiters who you are and what you can offer. Make sure your headline is clear, concise, and attention-grabbing.
  4. Relevant keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your profile and job descriptions to help employers and recruiters find you when they're searching for candidates with specific skills or experience.
  5. Strong network: Building a strong network on LinkedIn can help you connect with potential employers and recruiters, get recommendations from colleagues and mentors, and stay up to date on industry news and trends. Don't be afraid to reach out to people you admire or respect and start building relationships.


Top 5 "Don't Haves" on LinkedIn

  1. Incomplete profile: Make sure to fill out all the essential sections on your LinkedIn profile, including your work experience, education, and skills. A complete profile will help you make a better first impression and attract more connections.
  2. Unprofessional profile photos: Your profile photo is often the first thing that people notice about you on LinkedIn. Make sure to use a professional-looking headshot that reflects your personal brand and industry.
  3. Irrelevant or inappropriate content: Keep your LinkedIn content professional and relevant to your career goals. Avoid sharing controversial or polarizing views that could potentially harm your professional reputation.
  4. Poor writing skills: Poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and awkward phrasing can make you look unprofessional and reduce your credibility. Make sure to proofread your LinkedIn content carefully before posting.
  5. Lack of engagement: LinkedIn is a social networking site, and it's essential to engage with your connections regularly. Interact with your network by sharing relevant content, commenting on posts, and congratulating others on their accomplishments.


How MCG can help you get noticed on LinkedIn

Working with MCG, you’ll gain access to years of unparalleled experience of the market which will help you when it comes to landing your next dream position.

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